Dear Friends,

We wrote about Ángel three years ago. He showed up at Centro de Oportunidad at age 13, arms severely cut up by self-inflicted wounds, a baby face that never got to be a child for long. He was neglected by family, left behind by his peers, and accepted by the street glue-sniffers whose life experiences reflected his own, hungry, and lost.

Little did we know that he was going to re-shape and expand our mission.

We’ve stuck with him these past years…through episodes of violence (he’s sweet but can be triggered), a short stint in jail, and a couple substance abuse relapse episodes. (The police called us those few times he’s gotten into trouble. Maycól has spent a couple sleepless nights in precincts to get him released).

These pictures from yesterday aren’t the ending to a Cinderella story. But Ángel is learning how to read, write, and solve simple math problems from Darling, our literacy teacher. He’s acquiring vocational skills, responsibility, and accountability. He’s meeting healthier peers like himself, who are striving for improvement despite their rough starts in life.

When we were worried about recent heavy rains he spent the night in the library to make sure it didn’t get flooded and books got ruined. He has a good heart. He is a good kid. But we monitor him closely and encourage him constantly. His self-esteem has a hill to climb and we’re there to push and cheer him on. We’re all growing and becoming better people through him.

Our current campaign to build a youth center is underway. We want a “home” for the growing number of “Angels” who show up at our center. They will work along side the contractor to build it.

We mentor and provide food, education, sports programs, and vocational skills but they also need professional therapy to unpack their rough childhoods and move on with confidence.

It’s a tall order. But together, we can do this.

We’ve already begun..thanks to you!

With gratitude always,

Neighbors to Nicaragua has a NEW website!

We are very excited to share our new website with you. Catch up with the latest news, follow the progress of our Youth Center Campaign, make a donation, or contact us anytime with ideas or questions. Take a look! Our sincerest thanks to the great team at Hook PR and Marketing. They’re simply the best! Discover them at

Click HERE for our new website!

“Pudeo Leer” Library is up and running…in our center!

We are very honored to host “Puedo Leer.” Our students and the community are loving it. Here are a few pictures from all the action.
The book club read “The Little Red Hen” and then made their own!

RAIN…with a vengeance!

Nicaragua has two seasons: dry and wet (It’s always hot). The rainy season begins in May and ends in November. The extraordinarily heavy rains this year have flooded our new buildings several times. Our students have jumped in to help in many ways: to discern problems, shovel, clean up, and paint to prevent future damage. To date, we’ve spent over $3,000 (unplanned) for repairs. Our thanks to them who have helped us “stem the tide”.

Youth Center Campaign Progress Report

From now until mid-September, we’ll post updated progress with our campaign for the youth center in our newsletters every three weeks and every week on our website. Thank you for all your continued support. Click HERE to donate.