Dear Friends,

We hope you’re enjoying some of the opportunities the quieter, slower days of summer offer.

Our students, while enjoying this “stiller” time, continue learning to read and write, reveling in our beautiful library, enjoying nutritious meals, and acquiring new vocational skills. “Centro de Oportunidad” lives up to its name.

Our youth center campaign is progressing, thanks to you. We are now at 25% of our goal. The funds still needed to build a center for the most disadvantaged youth in our community doesn’t prevent all the mentoring that occurs daily now. We have faith: The building will come in time.

Thank you for your part in our progress so far (see below) and for all you make possible.

With gratitude always,


This Is What Giving Back Looks Like:
Meet Amelia Isabel Caraballo Argeullo

Amelia Isabel Caraballo Argeullo

We’re so proud to introduce you to our newest faculty member, Amelia. During her studies in elementary education, Neighbors to Nicaragua supported the funding of her education. Last year, she graduated with honors. Now, we’re honored that she is a full-time family member and sharing her amazing talents with our community. Welcome Amelia!

Many of our students attend public primary school as well as our center each day. Public school in Nicaragua occurs in 4-hour segments, so students attend either in the morning or in the afternoon. Secondary school students have the option of attending public school in the evenings since most of them work if they can find a job. Amelia teaches “reforzamiento” (reinforcement) to students who struggle with basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics.

Many times, the struggle reflects not their abilities but the lack of good available educational opportunities in the public schools. We’re fortunate to have Amelia as part of our N-2-N team!

Changing Of The Guard(s)

Because of recent expansion and the recent loss of our principal guard, Jimi, we’ve had the need for to hire three new guards. In the spirit of promoting our vocational training, we trained three of the older members of our youth group, requiring them to complete vocational training about vigilance, safety, and responsibility. They are off to a great start, proud that they are able to earn a respectable salary and help their families. Perhaps best of all, their pride in our mission influences their peers as well! For many of these adolescents, their days of life on the street have transformed into days of possibility and promise.

Youth Center Campaign Progress Report

From now until mid-September, we’ll share updated progress with our campaign for our proposed youth center (House of Hope) in our newsletters every three weeks. We have raised $13,405. We have 25% of our goal achieved…Thank you! Click HERE to donate.

Neighbors to Nicaragua has a NEW website!

We are very excited to share our new website with you. Catch up with the latest news, follow the progress of our Youth Center Campaign, make a donation, or contact us anytime with ideas or questions. Take a look! Our sincerest thanks to the great team at Hook PR and Marketing. They’re simply the best! Discover them at

Click HERE for our new website!